case study

Whole Property Management saves time and improves efficiency with RentCheck


Denver, CO


500+ units

Inspections Utilized

  • Move-in
  • Move-out
  • Bi-Annuals
  • Maintenance
  • Resident-led


Before RentCheck

With over 500 properties throughout Greater Denver and Colorado Springs, WholePM (Whole Property Management) lost hundreds of man-hours each year on inspections and drive time. They were struggling to consistently perform critical, routine inspections like move-ins, move-outs, and bi-annuals, let alone get ahead of potential issues with preventative maintenance like filter changes, leak checks, and other system maintenance checks. Not to mention the time spent on monitoring lease compliance.

After RentCheck

Property Owners

While property owners were a little hesitant of resident-led inspections, their concerns were immediately dashed after receiving their first, in-depth inspection report from WholePM. Not only did they include photos, comments, and feedback, they could even juxtapose the information to the move-in and move-out inspections.

With RentCheck, owners had more transparency and confidence that their properties were being maintained than ever before.

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“RentCheck has allowed us to grow leaner, to work more efficiently, and to minimize employee burnout (by reducing the monotonous parts of the process); all through involving residents to take part.”

- Jess Giles, Director of Operations


Traditional property inspections are inconvenient and invasive. Jess Giles laughed, “If I was going into someone’s home, I couldn’t open up their drawers and look underneath the cabinet and see what’s in there. Super creepy, right? I would not feel comfortable taking pictures inside someone’s closet.”

With RentCheck, residents are able to conduct their own thorough inspection without the hassle or discomfort of someone coming into their home.

Not only are residents happier, it’s saving their team a ton of time and inspections are more thorough than ever.

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“RentCheck has allowed us to grow leaner, to work more efficiently, and to minimize employee burnout (by reducing the monotonous parts of the process); all through involving residents to take part.”

- Jess Giles, Director of Operations
inspections completed per month
inspection completion rate
4.3/5 ⭐
average resident rating

Ready to start saving time on inspections?