case study

How 2B Living grows faster with less overhead


San Francisco, CA


4,000+ units

Inspections Utilized

  • Move-in
  • Move-out
  • Annual
  • Periodic
  • Resident-led


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“With RentCheck, I can add doors because my staff has more bandwidth. Before RentCheck, we sent our turn team to do move-in and routine inspections. Now our residents do the inspections and I’ve been able to increase the bandwidth of my turn team.

Give your team their time back!"

Brooks Baskin, CEO and Founder
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“With RentCheck, I can add doors because my staff has more bandwidth. Before RentCheck, we sent our turn team to do move-in and routine inspections. Now our residents do the inspections and I’ve been able to increase the bandwidth of my turn team.

Give your team their time back!"

Brooks Baskin, CEO and Founder
resident inspections completed monthly
on-time resident completion rate
minutes saved on avg per inspection
saved every resident-completed inspection
= $7,500
savings per month
4.4/5 ⭐
average resident rating

Ready to start saving time on inspections?